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Image by Nina Strehl


Below you will find TVC Compassion Ministrry documents and resources you can use at your campuses. If you need any help please reach out to Central Support. 

*Please note, all benevolence requests need to be ran through central support. 


An event is a short term serving opportunity with the goal of making a difference in the community. 

If you have a vision for a new event please contact central support and take a look at this document. 

Hope for the Holidays

A Christmas Holiday Event bringing Hope to families through gifts and essential household items. 

Campus Pastor or Compassion Leader will staff a table in the lobby and organize any additional outreach things the campus wants to do. Central support will provide all main organization items for this event. 

Days of Caring

A community wide September event put on by United Way where we step into the community to serve in many different ways. 

Campus Pastor or Campus Compassion Leader will staff a table in the lobby for signups and all other items will be provided by Central Support. 


The Detroit Mission Trip is an all church mission trip. This trip is awesome because kids, families and students can come as well! We partner with Eden Gardens and life remodeled to provide community garden help, blight removal and beautification of Detroit. 

Campus pastor or Campus Compassion Leader will staff a table in the lobby for signups and all other items will be provided by central support.

On-Going Ministries

An on-going ministry within the compassion team to help the community that serves weekly or monthly. 

If you have a vision for a new ministry, please connect with Central Support.


Compassion Center

Financial and/or personal hardship is something no one should have to go through alone. That's why we've created TVC's Compassion Center. Find community resources, food pantry details, and sign up for FREE counseling by clicking the link below.

Food Pantry

The food pantry provides food for Barry County members who are struggling to buy food or are having financial struggles. Weekly family pickup and big distribution happens once a month. 

Other campuses are not responsible for any items. The food pantry is a serving tribe and you can join by clicking the link below.

Care Team

The Care Team is an amazing outreach ministry here at TVC that helps support our church family in a time of need. They reach out whenever there is news of someone being hospitalized, an upcoming surgery, illness or death of a loved one. ​

You can help by keeping us informed of any church family in need by filling out a Care Team Request. Click the link below to submit a request.

Hand 2 Hand

Hand2Hand is an amazing organization that partners with schools to provide meals for kids who are only get food at school.

We provide roughly 50 kids with Lunch/dinner, breakfast and a snack each week they’re in school. Packing of the items is once a month at the Hastings campus.

There is a donation bin at each campus. 

Campus Pastors or guest services Leader is responsible for making sure any donated items get brought to the Hastings campus. H2H is a serving tribe and you can join by searching for Tribes.


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